Praise for Trudy Griswold

“I was seeking formal spiritual guidance, when a friend recommended I reach out to Trudy. She has had an amazing impact on all aspects of my life—assisting me with spiritual growth, work accomplishments, and family issues. Working with her has helped me to become a more focused, calmer, and more spirituality-based person. Trudy has given me practical tools as well as a sense of peace and security that have far exceeded my expectations. I look forward to our weekly sessions that are powerful yet light in God’s love. I highly recommend scheduling time with Trudy to start on a new, better path for you.” —A.K., CT
“I can never thank you enough for the comfort and wisdom you have bestowed on me and my family. In fact we speak of you and refer to you very often. You are truly an angel on earth. I look forward to our next visit! Love you!” —Choosing love, S.L.
“I learned to talk with my angel, Joel, 16 years ago after reading Angelspeake. I wrote my first book at that time and now I have written 13 books with the help of the angels that were channeled from the other side. I owe so much to you and your first book! Thank you!” —DCH, Georgia
“My sincere thanks to you, Trudy, for introducing me to my spiritual support team of angels, guides and loved ones for a miraculous encounter. Your talk did something special for me, something real and meaningful and helpful, if not life changing. I took the next steps toward who I am truly meant to be.” — TL, Florida
“Trudy’s instruction is a valuable opportunity to take your relationship with the Angelic Realm to the next level. Her layers of information are always holding new perspective to see, to change, to take action. One important piece for me was asking the best and most appropriate questions in order to gain insight and answers to the real issues-getting to the root, so to speak. In doing so, I was pleasantly surprised and even awed at times at the information received. Trudy, through her many years of Angelic communication and teaching, cuts to the root very quickly and is able to transform the question from one of vague emotions to one of clarity and precision. I encourage anyone who has ever desired to communicate with their Angels, and most particularly to those who already do, to take it up a notch and enjoy a new level of communion with the Angelic Realm.” — Francine Triebe, WI
“It has been rare that I’ve been so moved, so quickened by such a simple message. Perhaps I have been overcomplicating my life for 50 years! This simple volume, unabashedly written by two sisters, has literally caused me to rethink how I relate to God! Who would have thought? I have been a psychotherapist for 20 years, and a Christian for 40. I found it in my mailbox (I swear I don’t remember having ordered it–and I order a LOT of books through Amazon). I read it in one sitting and immediately put into practice what was suggested…namely, ask, believe, wait, be thankful. The benefits came roaring in! Astounding! I have given several copies to friends and family with their feedback echoing similar results. They have then passed on more copies. How could I have missed this beautiful, inspiring, simple message throughout so much of my life? These brilliant angels–messengers of God– are simply waiting for us. Join them. It will undoubtedly change your life as well. Utterly and completely recommended.”
“I wanted to thank you for your book “Angelspeake”. My husband and I have read many books on self-improvement, heaven and the like. Just yesterday I sat down and read it. I just want to say that it has already transformed my life! I wrote with the angels today and like everyone else, wondered if I was just me writing myself but in the end, I believe that I had a little help! I just wanted to share my first writing and the joy that I received. Thank you!” — A.P
“Trudy has a natural ability to share directly from her heart with care and support. She is an excellent speaker, teacher, seminar leader that is filled with so much wisdom. Since the first angel session with her after reading several of her Angelspeake books, I have been able to walk my path of life with greater comfort and trust. Gentleness and integrity encapsulate her message in every communication medium as insight, trust and faith are inspired. Give yourself a chance to experience the many gifts that Trudy has to share; you won’t be sorry!” —D.S., CT
“Your Monday Morning Message from the angels is the first thing I look for on Mondays and they set my attitude for the week. I love them. They are wonderful and so positive. Thank you.” — M.M., CT
Angel Reading w/Trudy
“I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED our session this morning with the angels. My heart is still overflowing with the love. SO much to digest and I am just taking it all in, bathing in the goodness of it all.” —CN, CA
Spiritual Life Coaching
“I’ve looked forward to reading your Monday Morning Messages each week. A spirit goes before your message. Whenever I get ready to read it, a smile comes to me and my heart whispers “Let’s hear what Trudy has to say today”. It is simple, pure and always refreshing. Continue to spread this love and may your work and kindness, your knowledge and wisdom continue to flourish abundantly.” Steinberg – Georgia