Do You Want a Breakthrough in Your Spiritual Life?

Now is your time to take the courageous steps you’ve been dreaming of – living your true life purpose as a spiritual teacher and mentor to others!

Since being spiritually awakened and moving forward on your path, does it feel like you are stuck in a “spiritual loop”? Are you feeling as if you have much to do for others but it’s too scary to leave your 9-5 job? Or possibly you:
• Feel you are not in alignment with your true purpose
• Have the fear there’s something MORE out there for you to do, but what?
• Are wondering if you missed your true calling when it came to you
• Can’t release your fears and blocks that are holding you back

It is completely possible for you to move beyond your spiritual worries and disappointments by giving yourself permission to move forward into a spiritual life that you love! You will learn how to recognize the spiritual gifts that are within you. You will be shown how to listen to the divine guidance and direction that is always available to you. When you live what you LOVE, you will find that you will become a more fulfilled, happier individual, and develop a sense of purpose and find yourself being right where you need to be on every level.

How your dream of living your spiritual life passion and purpose could mean for your personal and professional life:
• Feeling excited every day that you can live the best of you through your spiritual life & passion
• Trust your inner knowing and fearlessly step forward onto your life path
• Integrate your spiritual principles into your daily life and direction
• Become the heart centered spiritual entrepreneur your spirit longs for
• Deepen your relationships with your own divine resources to mentor spiritually seeking individuals on their path

This workshop gave me the vision to jump off the diving board into full emergence into the pool of service and purpose for the rest of my life. This workshop not only opened the door, it KICKED the door right off its hinges.
E.B. Northfield, CT

This workshop is designed for the individual who wants to move forward in their spiritual development and deepen their connection with their divine team of spiritual guides, angels and teachers. You will meet and work with wonderful individuals and form lasting friendships with other like-minded people to whom moving forward on their spiritual path is also a high priority. Your clarity and understanding of your spiritual gifts will also open and you will find the clarity you have been seeking with regard to your spiritual gifts and direction.

Trudy Griswold, spiritual teacher, best-selling author and clairvoyant, will help you:
• Learn how to expand your spiritual knowledge so you can open to the next level of your life work
• Become more relevant in your spiritual life
• See yourself as a gifted soul who has an integral part of the larger plan
• Gain a clear understanding of where you are now and where you are going
• Trust your inner knowing and fearlessly step forward onto your path
• Discover through step-by-step processes your own your divine purpose

This spiritually intensive program is designed to help you take the next step on your path and in your spiritual development to live your true life purpose and open to your spiritual gifts. This intensive and exciting program will inspire you and move you along your path to greater heights!

Spiritual Expansion Investment

“This workshop was the personification of truth, the integration of earthly and divine abundance and wisdom, and a time full of revelation and celebration.” I.N. Bloomington, IN

Prerequisite: To register for the Part II Certification Training, attendees must complete the Spiritual Expansion Weekend to quality for Angelspeake Facilitator Certification

Program Specifics


During this 6 day Angelspeake certification program, specifically designed for movement forward in your personal & spiritual growth, you will learn the skills needed for leading and creating your own spiritual business as a Certified Angelspeake Facilitator. You will graduate from this program with the ability to teach individuals how to receive messages in writing from their spiritual team of angels, guides, master teachers and deceased loved ones.

You will also learn how to develop your own spiritual business, market your workshops, and set up your business. At the end of this transforming program you will depart with a deeper understanding of yourself, a vision and action plan for your spiritual life work, a passion to share, your certification certificate, and all of the materials and manuals you will need to immediately begin leading Angelspeake classes and workshops in your home area.

Benefits of this training:
• Develop extraordinary leadership and presentation skills
• Become the heart-centered spiritual entrepreneur your spirit longs for
• Deepen your relationships with your own divine resources
• How to develop and maintain a spiritual business
• Learn how to mentor spiritually seeking people on their path
• Receive in-depth training in Angelspeake techniques and methods
• Integrate your spiritual principles into a business setting

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to live your life purpose and passion to the fullest!

There will be a complimentary follow-up Private one hour Mentoring Session with Trudy upon completion of the program.

Facilitator Certification Training Investment: 


Program Specifics

Attend BOTH the Spiritual Expansion Weekend & then Angelspeake Facilitators Certification Workshops and enjoy 20% savings!

Contact Trudy for payment plans! 203-258-8221

Support for Certified Angelspeake Facilitators

Once certified, you will be listed with your e-mail address on the Angelspeake Website with the current Angelspeake Facilitators. The listing will provide you with referrals from people in your area who are looking for workshops. Trudy will also provide individual support and guidance especially during the first six months following certification. Copies of all new workshop materials, class or workshop manuals will be provided on an on-going basis. You will have the privilege to attend future certification workshops without tuition charge, on a space-available basis.

PLUS a follow-up Private one hour Mentoring Session with Trudy

What People Are Saying

I received much, much more at these two programs than I ever imagined. It was an amazing experience that brought me closer to God and the Universe, plus they were incredibly uplifting and filled with knowledge of ‘How to Work With Your Angels.’ It’s the best thing in my life I ever did for myself.

T.S., Bethel, CT

Trudy’s life purpose and calling is to help souls find their passion, purpose and path

Trudy Griswold, Spiritual Life Coach and co-author of the bestselling Angelspeake books, will facilitate this workshop. In this workshop Trudy will share all that she has learned during thousands of workshops in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Internationally known Spiritual Teacher and Life Coach, bestselling Author and gifted clairvoyant with over 20 years experience working with spirituality seeking individuals, Trudy will help you recognize the spiritual gifts that are within you and help you learn to listen to the divine guidance and direction that is always available to you. She will be offering a detailed and specific program teaching individuals how to lead workshops based on her teachings in her Angelspeake book on “How to Talk With Your Angels”. In this workshop Trudy will draw upon her knowledge from facilitating and coaching countless workshops in the U.S., Canada and Europe.

If you have questions about either of these programs and wish to inquire about the payment plans, please contact Trudy: 203.258.8221.