Dear Dr. King, I have always admired you. What would you like to share with me?

How wonderful to hear from you my child and to have the opportunity to share my thoughts. Much has happened since I walked the earth plane. I have seen much happiness, I have seen sadness. But most of all I have seen “hope.” Hope arises eternally no matter what the situation. No matter how difficult times may seem, no matter how much turmoil seems to be ever present, the people who believe and have hope in mankind and mankind’s ability to heal through love will persevere.

Although I gaze down among you and I still see hatred and fear, what I see very strongly is indeed the power of love to heal. Yes, be concerned about the war; about our disconnection with other nations, but please do not be paralyzed by fear. Fear is the one thing that can stop you in your tracks, cause you to lose your focus, interfere with your positive thoughts. Love is and will always be the answer. Extend your hand to a stranger, acknowledge the homeless person for their spirit within is as vibrant and valid as your own, and always count your blessings. You are blessed to be on this earth doing God’s will and showing grace by way of example.

I look down among you and I shine a beacon of light and everlasting love. Let your light shine and peace and understanding will lead the way. Have faith; and believe with all your heart that love will lead the way. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.